Compilation of Houston Mass Murders Documentation

This section is dedicated to providing the public with access to Houston mass murders documentation. The intent is to present factual records and personal documents from Wayne to offer a clearer perspective of events as they truly unfolded, allowing for an unbiased understanding of the case.


Factual Documentation

Discover an array of documents about the life journey of Wayne to set the record straight and offer a transparent view of the events that have been widely discussed. These include his confession and detailed police case reports. Each document serves as a crucial piece of the puzzle, providing information concerning the Houston Mass Murders from a direct source.

Confession Text

This confession document is an integral piece of information concerning the Houston Mass Murders, offering his firsthand account of the events. It aims to clarify misconceptions and present his narrative in an undistorted form, directly from Wayne to the reader.

Elmer Wayne Henley, Jr. Affidavit (Upon Arrest), August 8, 1973

Elmer Wayne Henley, Jr. Affidavit (Upon Arrest), August 8, 1973Elmer Wayne Henley, Jr. Affidavit (Upon Arrest), August 8, 1973

Elmer Wayne Henley, Jr. Full Confession, August 9, 1973

Police Case Reports

The police case reports available on this page are exhaustive summaries and findings from the investigation into the Houston Mass Murders. These documents are essential for understanding the sequence of events, the breadth of the investigation, and the factual basis for the case as law enforcement agencies constructed it.

Purpose of This Documentation

The compilation of these documents pertaining to the Houston Mass Murders is aimed at granting the public access to the authentic records of the case. Wayne’s objective in making these documents accessible is to provide individuals with a comprehensive and unfiltered understanding of the events, transcending the narratives commonly portrayed in social media and newspapers.

The intention behind sharing these documents is not to excuse or minimize the gravity of the situation but to provide a platform for factual information concerning the Houston Mass Murders to be accessed and understood. This effort represents a proactive step in presenting his perspective of the story, aiming to cultivate a more nuanced understanding of the circumstances surrounding the case.

Aside from the documents, we also have a collection of Elmer’s artworks you might be interested in.
